Worry- the Believer's Quicksand:

     It is not possible to reach some kind of high spiritual plain that exempts the Soldier of The Cross from worrying.   

     So, relax.  You are not alone.

     Worry is first nature to the flesh.  The flesh is not going to last eternally, so it struggles, whines, and paws the ground in an effort to gain some control over matters that either haven't happened, or that have happened and are yet unresolved.

     The bottom line is, what does the Bible say?   I understand that you know the verses and could quote them to me.  But what does He say?

    He says,  “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”    Matthew 11: 28-30 (Amplified Bible)

     You were not created to bear the burden of worry.   The formula begins with going to him  and telling Him aloud that,  by faith and according to His Word, you will roll your burden over on Him.  You can remind Him that He said He would give you "quiet" for your soul.

     You  might need to say this to Him over and over.

     Peace is available to you.

     Absent a crisis, worry is habitual if the Soldier is not vigilant.  The first step is to recognize it.  The second step is to go immediately to the Lord.  The third step is to memorize verses for  each day (you might  not remember them the next day).  The Indwelling Holy Spirit will remind you of the verse, or perhaps a hymn that you need to sing at the top of your lungs.

     Chances are, the enemy is after your attention, and you have been sucked in.  Once you come to the Lord and admit you are helpless,  you are doling something about the situation. 

     Remember, this is warfare.  That armor is to protect you, and there is a helmet that protects the mind.

     The battle is in the mind.

     Soldier, as soon as you recognize your thoughts and run to the Lord, the Indwelling Holy Spirit will nudge you the next time.  If you are obedient and change your thoughts, you will begin to walk daily in a pattern of seeing what is really happening and also seeing that He will provide.

     You must approach Him aloud because your choice of words is the process of agreeing with Him.       
     Tell Him you want to be changed. 
     Tell Him you agree with Him that faith is the only way to know Him. 
     Tell Him you want to know Him and that you want to be a disciple more than anything.
     Ask Him to let you be aware of your thoughts.
     Ask Him to provide or solve the problem according to His Will.
     Most importantly, ask Him to do anything and everything to make you more like Him.

     Soldier, this is life changing.   Worry is spiritual cancer and it eats away at the soul and cripples the spirit.

     Tell Him today.   Aloud.