Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

       I am not much of a cryer. But I can honestly say that if you have never wept in prayer, your prayer life needs an overhaul.
      There is a certain collecting of the inner person that happens in private prayer. It cannot happen behind the wheel of the car when you are driving, and it cannot happen when you are doing dishes. Those are great times to pray, but they are not times when the whole being can collect and come before the Lord with all physical and other faculties.
      No one who is a valiant prayer warrior experiences tears in every prayer time. But I am here to tell you that there is a certain kind of prayer that exceeds the human capacity to express in anything but tears. I happens while praying in one's own language - not the unknown ones. And the Lord is moved by it. I happen to believe that those tears are the ones that will be among those counted most precious in the verse that refers to the bottle of your tears that the Lord has collected.
     The things I pray about that result in moments like I am describing are those when I consider in prayer the Lord's love for me, and that I am privileged to even know about prayer. When I pray for the lost, often I am almost unable to speak for a time. When I pray for my family, and particularly for those I consider to be my spiritual children, there is an expression that cannot be contained.
      Most prayer is business - work. But it is never just that. Tell the Lord you want to know the adventure of prayer!

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