Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     When the children of Israel demanded that Samuel appoint a king over them, their reason was so they could be like the other nations around them.
     Things haven't changed much.
     In an era when the believing church looks for stimulation more than anything else, and the same teachers who train major executives are teaching pastors of large churches to be orators, we must change our course.
     Our children get head knowledge from our words, and imitate our behavior.
     It is critical to teach young parents to train their children to avoid the glamor, the lights, and the imitation of the successful. These are things that poison the personality, and get in the way of Truth.
      While there is no merit in being different for its own sake, children must be taught regularly the sweet release of being secure in Christ, and in following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
      Our children must understand that the custom of dating is equal to window-shopping for a mate. They have to be taught that the needy must be loved - not fed and sent away. There is a desperate and basic need to impart heaven's values when it comes to money.
      Much Christian music today reflects the yawning abyss between the word of God, and what young music writers perceive its teaching to be. The emphasis is on my feeling - my response to Him, and an over and over, gutted and substanceless waves of lyrics that stir the emotions are sung.
     Then it is called worship.
     The personal quiet time must have personal worship, but the kneeler will find it is very different from the "worship music" experience.
     Our children must be prepared to be soldiers - and soldiers of the Cross! It cannot be done in a flash - it must be a life project. And your responsibility as a parent before the Lord is that of trainer. Not friend, not Lord, not babysitter, not policeman, but trainer. and that is how you must pray.
    Ask the Lord to teach you to train your children. Do your parenting on your knees, and you will see Jesus!


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