Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

       My life is a reflection of my prayer life.
     You can spend just a few minutes with me, and I will become transparent to you - that is if you are one who prays.  The things I pray about are the things that are important to me.
     If I am surrounded by riches, the chances are, I will pray to preserve them. If I am held in high esteem, chances are, I will be afraid to loose face.
     But if I have taken up my Cross, and am following Him, I will be concerned about others, and I will be pressing in prayer to have Him scrape and burn and chisel away all that is not useful to Him.
    I do not have an array of good choices - I have an opportunity, and the only choice that is biblical is that of losing my life so I can find it. It is cut and dried and I must cast myself on the Lord, and He will do the things that are needed.
     When I have begged for this in prayer and have wanted nothing else, then and only then is the Lord free to shed abroad His love through this life!
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