Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


       When we "assemble together" there must be preparedness of heart.
       Each believer must make sure there is no known unconfessed sin in his life (including resentment or poutiness) and as he goes into the meeting, he must determine to love others, and to sing his brains out.
      There is an older woman to whom the Lord assigned me many years ago. I prayed for an older sainted woman (who had walked with the Lord a long) time from whom I could learn, and when I met her, the first thing that impressed me was how she poured herself into singing!     
       There can't be much that the enemy hates more that Christians singing the hymns of the faith vigorously. The singers always went first in the armies of the Lord, and it is no different now.
       Do you have a lousy voice? Who cares! Is that a reason to pass up a chance to place your foot on the enemy's neck?
       When we get to heaven, we will then, and only then realize what was really going on when we assembled on earth. But in the meantime, carry your weight! SING!


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