Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

        Do you realize how many books there are on the will of God? You would think that He is powerless to direct the available believer, and we all must learn formulas to recognize Him.
     There is no formula. The Bible teaches us that God is not going to tell me what the next two moves are - only the next one, and perhaps not even that until I begin to move.
     As a rule, I find that people who love God's Word, serve God's people, and bring matters to prayer are not usually worked up into a worried lather about whether or not they will be able to discern the will of God.
    If a man thinks he will not be able to know God's will, then that man is not knowing God. He may be born again, but he is not living in the active experience of his salvation.
     When the Lord is allowed to lead a man, it is because that man has been looking for Him all along, not just looking to Him for one answer about one thing.
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