Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      What lets you know you are close to the Lord?
     It had better be because you know you have obeyed.
      Without your own experience in the Word of God that comes as a result of your kneeling before Him and pleading for sight and hearing, you are clueless.
     And that is where most of the church is today.
     Pleasing God is not accompanied by a feeling of closeness or a rush of spiritual bliss. As a matter of fact, it is often the experience that there is a sense of smallness and having done nothing.
    That is good.
     We are prone to addiction and the most immediate intoxicant is usually feeling. It is also a delusion.
      Experiencing God is based on spiritual sight and the recognition of His voice.
       Want Him. Look for Him. Wait for Him.
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