Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

        Vigor does not come from natural energy - just energy comes from energy.
      Vigor comes from a deeper desire to pursue something, and for a greater purpose than just the thing itself.
       What makes soldiers of the Cross see things through, when they are betrayed, hungry, and see no fruit?
      The vigor that is evidence of the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit is the result of a supernaturally imparted vision, and like love, it can not be snuffed out.
      Those who long more than anything to be with and serve a Living Savior have an endurance that is affirmative, and not just a stubborn tenacity.
      He didn't just endure the Cross - He chose the Cross. He could have turned, but because of obedience and a desperate longing for oneness with the Father, He chose the Cross. Because He loved us with abandonment, He chose the Cross.
      Vigor comes from sight, and sight comes from walking in the Light.
      Those who have really seen him and have been touched by Him can settle for nothing less, and the momentum can not be stopped.
      Hell hates it, but it is valuable and winsome to the heart of God.
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