Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      Are you tired?
     What does the Word say about it? Not much.
      Don't you find it interesting that in the whole Bible there is not much about being physically tired?
      In Paul's list of trials, he names beatings, being stranded on the ocean, going without food, being stoned and left for dead, and being misused by other Christians - but he doesn't list being tired. In another passage, he does list despairing of even life itself, but the Bible doesn't give license to being tired.
      When the body reaches its limits, exhaustion is real. Refreshment is needed and the Lord will provide. But soldiers in the army of the Lord are more focused on the needs of others and you will not hear them comment often on their own tiredness.
      As a matter of fact, you will find that they are not even very interested in their own physical condition.
      As my father was dying of cancer of the liver, he was singing the hymns of the Lord, and doing all he could with his last breath to minister to those around him.
      I have seen the peace, healing, and satisfaction of not paying much attention to my own tiredness.
      Stop saying it and thinking about it.
      This life is about stretching, not about comfort.
      The harvest around you is overwhelming. Pipe down and get to work! 
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