Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


        Discouragement comes at the Christian like a heavy cloud. First there is a feeling, and immediately the mind attaches the feeling to the imperfect circumstantial event.
      It is an emotion. Discouragement is a negative emotion shot at the Christian to cripple him and to deceive him into thinking that he is deeply below the surface and cannot come up in time to breathe.
     We are told to encourage each other - all the time. I am incredibly encouraged when someone calls me and leaves a verse on my voice mail, or sends me an e-mail with a word of testimony.
      I cannot avoid discouragement because it is one of the enemy's favorite devices and I have been given the privilege of learning to resist him.
      But the Bible is clear. I am not to allow discouragement to linger. I am to take opposite action (Joshua 1) and I must shake and move the limbs that feel crippled and continue the work of the Lord.
      Over the years and through the fire I have learned that when I feel the most discouraged there is a great victory just around the corner. That has taught me to sing louder, tell more jokes and hug more. I will not be had!
      I am not merely a bullseye for hell - I am a bond servant of the Living God!


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