Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      I think maturity is responding in a biblical manner.
      When we make mistakes our first inclination is to justify ourselves and to perhaps admit the mistake, but to give the reason that would justify anyone's similar error. 
      If God is sovereign and I am a living sacrifice, there will be times when things occur in such a way that I will appear foolish or careless or even deliberately mule-ish. But when these things have happened and there is nothing I can do to recapture the moment, then I must move on.
      If I have actually done something deliberately wrong, I must confess it to the Lord. But I must move on. If I do not, I get stuck in the quicksand of self-justification and am completely useless. My mind is then on myself, and believe me - there is no living sacrifice during those hours!
      I don't worry about being an idiot (at least I don't think I do). There is too much to do, and the needs are too great. I don't want to take myself so seriously that I miss a beat and furthermore, a living sacrifice does not lay on the altar and howl and carry on, or write an affidavit about the last thing that happened to make him feel
      Can the Lord really do whatever He wants with you, or is He limited to the things that don't make you feel secure? This is the measure of yieldedness.


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