Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      It is easy to obey the things we think we understand, and to hesitate in the areas that seem remote to us.
      The kingdom of heaven is the other way around; when we hear, we move, and as we move, the very act of obedience opens up illumination and revelation, based on the principle that "God has said".
     As with all else that is of heavenly treasure, these things actually happen in prayer long before the opportunity to physically obey occurs. The praying believer presents himself for active duty and the decision to act is made.
     That means that when the time comes, there is no debate, there is no wrangle, and there is no hesitation. Although later, satan will come along with doubts, at the time of action, the choice is clear.
      This is the way our Master and Savior and King asks us to live all the time. It is not weird, it is not "the extra mile", and it ought to be normal.
      It is not, of course, average.
      Lord, I simply plead again, take me and train me. I submit to you in all the areas I know about and don't know about. Please bring rigorous discipline in this area and use each day of my life as much as is possible. When stand before you, I want to know I have not wasted the days of time by wallowing in sluggish hesitation.
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