Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      You have absolutely no idea what the creative, unleashed love of God through another person can do in a man's heart.
      You have known that person many years, and he has behaved wretchedly, but today could be the day that God will reveal answered prayer.
     So, we must not assume that anyone is beyond change, for the One Who created out of a void can make anything out of anything. It is simply a matter of His doing it.
     Often we get in the way of the Lord and obscure what He might do because we refuse to hope for, look for, and expect the very thing we have prayed for. His ministry to and through us is one of Life, and when we are genuinely available, the most thick and well-entrenched strongholds can be smashed to powder.
      I can only be available to this ministry of love when I have decided to pursue with all my energy and faculties the supernatural transformation that comes from affirmative submission.
      There is passivity, but there is no such thing as passive submission - submission is not something I let happen, but rather it is the taking up of the Cross so as to yield to the death of the flesh.
     Submission leads to seeing Him.
      Seeing him leads to loving Him.
      Loving Him leads to loving others.

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