Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

        Children of wrath function on a different economy than the children of Light.
      Believers must make sure there is not an attitude of condescension toward those who have not met the Lord, because the unbeliever simply does not have the same choices that a believer has.
      The Bible teaches us that those in darkness are the children of wrath, and that they are under the control of the wicked one.
      Christians seem to forget this often, even though Paul tell us to remember we were there at one time.
      The unbeliever does not know it, but he is usually looking for rescue. He can't rescue himself, in addition to which he is blind and cannot see which way to go.
      We would still be there but for grace, and the fact that God sent someone to take us by the hand and lead us to Him.
     No change is needed before coming to Christ - all the cleaning up in the world would still not cut it. Only the Blood cuts it!
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