Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


      We take ourselves far too seriously.
     It is the nature of the flesh to be self-absorbed, and it is a rare person who can turn away from the sucking addiction of self-care and attention. All around us are those who are drowning in lostness, yet we still indulge our thoughts in circular rehashing of the words that hurt our feelings or we consider all the layers of our needs not met.
     When the Holy Spirit is allowed, the washing of the Word will put these things in perspective. The Lord wants to make His personality in us - freedom and fulfillment are found in Him - the One who went to the Cross, and considered not the shame!
     When we meditate on His personality, it only takes about two seconds to realize the beauty in pulling our noses out of the mud, and looking where the Light shines on the important.
     My feelings are not important, and my fulfillment can't be found on earth. Disappointment happens only because hopes are pinned on a particular result.
     Yes, we are human. No, that does not make it permissible to make excuses. Do we mean it when we say we will be living sacrifices, or do we then expect to be sacrifices, lying on the altar with fists full of lists, and a suspended mirror above?
     No excuse!
     No excuse!


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