Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Life-long habits are hard to break, but we are commanded to break them if they are not in line with the Word of God!
     Shall I evaluate myself and then try to break the habits that I think I can see?
     No. Heaven forbid! I must be about the agenda of heaven and my energy and time must be about the rescue of others - the love of others - the dressing and feeding of others.
     And then in prayer, the Holy Spirit will show me what I need to see, and it will be dealt with when I am on my knees.
     Am I willing to really be a living sacrifice?
     What if He wants something I can't do?
     Don't forget, you can't change yourself. But you can submit, and you must say it outloud in prayer - and you will be transformed one day at a time.
     Dear Lord Jesus,
          I am a sojourner and a pilgrim, and I realize this life is to see you, know you, and be more like you.
          Please do whatever you need to in order to scrape away the things about me that are not useful. I know it will be painful, but i also realize the scales will fall away and I will have sight.
          Oh, precious Lord, I want nothing more than to know you have free reign and that you will produce your likeness in me.




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