Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     What is it that draws us to the lives of the saints who have gone before?
     It is not their abilities, but rather the ability of their God who delivered them.
     What boring reading it would make if a Christian biography detailed the immediate success of a man's every effort and his numerous hours of recreation and leisure.
     We have a Lord who will deliver us from the lion's mouth. Should I then pray daily to be spared from any lions who might be roaming around? Or do you suppose I could trust the same One who delivered Daniel to make the right decision for me?
     Time is short, and eternity will be unmeasured.
     A man who is bemoaning his lacks, is clueless. He does not believe the verse that says ". . .the one who called you to a relationship with His Dear Son will not withhold from you any good thing. . ."
     Brothers and Sisters, it is time to take the land! It is time to put our weight down on then Rock of Ages. It is time to take what is ours!
     He has given us the privilege of entering and traveling into the frontier of faith.
     He can deliver.
     He is in charge.
     He is more than able.
     And He has never, never been defeated!




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