Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     You may be exquisitely tired, but you are not allowed to be burned out.
      They say the burn-out rate is exceptionally low almost firemen. Yes it is dangerous, and odds of injury are great, but very few change careers.
      We are also in the business of rescue. Take a good, hard look at those around you and reconsider your tiredness.
     What difference does it make? You can still be alert and you can still wait on the Holy Spirit.
     Time is short and eternity is without measure. The Soldier of the Cross must not put his own tired level into the work equation.
     He could call us up into the air in a few minutes.
     Time is not something to be spent casually.
     The old hymn puts it well:

       "There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save;
        Send the Light! Send the Light!"

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