Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The Redeemed  have redeemed emotions.
     One of the deep healing works of the Holy Spirit is the healing of the emotions. That is because the Lord works deep,deep, deep in the human soul.
     Because we are being prepared for heaven, the Lord deals with us according to our thoughts and reactions as well as our physical actions. And He won't leave us in a stew - He ministers to us even though we are only aware of ourselves.
     Soldiers, listen to me:
     You are to live and think a stable life. You are to minister and you are not to be a licker of your own wounds.
     The way you are treated is not the issue. Your fears are not the issue. Your anger is not the issue.
     The issue is, you are a Soldier of the Cross, and you are to consider yourself dead. We do not have days or hours to waste, but start now.
     Guard your tongue. Your tongue should match redeemed emotions, and if it doesn't, be silent.
     Remember, God's Word is more real
                          Than the way that you feel!



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