Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     What about the Joy of the Lord?
     It is supernatural and it is given. But it is as a result of obedience and of gazing at Him.
     Many today think they can work themselves up into a feeling of joy but the truth is, His joy comes when the Holy Spirit opens our eyes and we see Him and then we realize joy is not a feeling, but the result of sight.
     I have been in churches where all hands are held high and folks are bouncing about, but it is not joy - it is stimulation.
     Where there is no fresh Word of God there can be no joy, and that describes most Christians today.
     We have been released - from worry, fear and contention.
     We were created to see Him and enjoy Him.
     It isn't about me and what I feel and when I obey and walk in the Light, there is Joy!
     Jesus first,
     Others next
     You last!

     Spells Joy!



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