Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


    Take the World, but Give me Jesus!
     Ever hear that old song? Glorious! And it gets more true all the time 
     We must work to keep the Church lean.Tthe world is creeping in by vehicle of music, fictitious novel, and modern video.
     Of course, anything that presents the real gospel can be done so with bells and whistles, but not with out-and-out imitation of the things that mark the world's distresses.
     Oh, parents! Keep all music out of your home if it has the smell of the world on it - even if it goes under the guise of Christian music. Our children are direct products of the music they sing and hear and you must not be fooled into thinking that a song with a hard rock beat is better than the world's music, just because it has "Christian " lyrics.
     It is a lie from hell.
     I suggest you don't try to enforce what your children hear in the homes of others unless the choice is actually given to you. Hold out to keep peace in the place where God has given you authority - in your own home. Do not give your children sound systems or televisions in their rooms, and calmly police all music without being a jerk about it.
     You have taught them to say thank you, to brush their teeth, and they pattern themselves after you. You can teach them that you hold the music of Heaven high, and that it is of distinct quality from the music of the world. Work at it all the time, stay calm, approach it in prayer.
     Your home will be peaceful and your children will have sight!

          Ardith Keef, Pastor's wife and Professor of Music, University of Southern Maine

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