Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Don't forget, we are running a race.
     And we are told to drop everything that encumbers us. What encumbers you? 
It isn't usually the thing you think. A person who is desperate for control will say that what encumbers him is a particular thing that is out of his control - without the sight brought by the supernatural light of God's Word, he can't see what the real problem is.
     The runner must look forward to the end of the race. He cannot be occupied with the bushes and rocks, or even his own need for relief or water. He presses on.
     The race is what is important.
     In Christianity today, I often think we have more worshipers of the race than of the Lord. But of course, those folks aren't really in the race are they? They are in a hologram.
     But the Soldier of the Cross presses on, looking forward to the goal.

     It will be worth it all,
     When we see Jesus.
     Life's trials will seem so small
     When we see Christ.

     One glimpse of His dear face;
     All sorrow will erase.
     We will have run the race
     when we see Christ.

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