Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     It is amazing that our Lord is One who is known as a God of mercy and loving kindness.
     It would be easy to assume He might be a little jaded after these millennia of dealing with us. But the fact is, He has not changed. He is as tender as ever.
     I find as I get older, I must watch certain things carefully - I must not talk at anyone, I must tell fewer details, and I must allow the Lord to keep me tender.
     He whose heart is ravished when I think of Him, wants me to be like Him! We know what the words mean, but few of us have any idea what that is like.
     If I am not constantly pressing in prayer for revelation on the verses that concern love and being a living sacrifice, I must not be really interested. And I will become resistant to tenderness - and ironically, my feelings will be hurt more easily.
     Those qualities seem to go together - touchiness and a calloused out-of tune posture with regard to the sensitivities of the other.
     If I would be more like Him, I must allow the Potter to hone and mold and reshape me all the time. I must acknowledge it is necessary.
     I must trust Him, and I must recognize and love the treasures He considers most valuable. If I really want to love Him and to obey Him, I will present myself in the Romans 12 way, and not pull back because of experience.
     How can I love supernaturally and know resurrection Life if I am protecting myself?

      Lord, I feel puny, but I long to be like You. Please do what is needed in me to keep my heart soft and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. You Who are Love, please take my request over my reactions and let me know your tenderness. Fill me in such a way that your mercy and loving kindness can be used to win others.
     The things that are in the way - I yield them up to you.


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