Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     What He became for us is beyond comprehension.
     When we look back on time, we will see and understand the Glory left behind, and the inexpressible Grace that was demonstrated by his coming as a baby and staying to publicly die for our sins.
     It short circuits the mind.
     But in private prayer time, it turns into worship.
     Worship is that outpouring which cannot be expressed except by the Holy Spirit. That does not mean it must be in other languages, it simply means there is an eternal expression that takes place that is a response to who He is and to what He has done.
     Most Christians give little thought to even the most basic things about the Lord, and worship has come to mean a physical demonstration of coordinated activities on command.
     Yes, it is possible and necessary to worship together. but it never happens unless those coming together have learned to "think on these things. . ."
     Brothers and Sisters, private worship is almost nonexistent. Stand before Him and begin listing the aspects of His nature that are so precious to you. Review his names in prayer.
     The Holy Spirit will lead you into the experience of the Glory of the Lord.


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