Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The Lord did not live a life of ease.
     He lived a life in submission to the Father, and that meant He did not call the shots.  
     Why then do we get so insecure because we do not know what tomorrow holds? Because the flesh cannot bear ambush.
     We have been promised that our Lord and King has depleted the world and the enemy of actuall ability to harm us.
     That means that his plan cannot be thwarted.
     It doesn't matter how it looks.
     It is easy to look back and speculate how things could have been.
     I have news for you:
     It would not have been different. This is God's will and the here and now is the element in which He has asked us to operate.
     Go to the Word and allow Him to illuminate the next step. He promised He would.
     And He will!


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