Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

       To all labor, there is a reward.
     It may seem like one step forward and two steps back, but we just obey, and God gives the increase!
     In the same way that the farmer would be foolish to watch his crops each day, measuring hour by hour to reassure himself that the result will be good, it is not productive to evaluate each thing we do in terms of success.
     The Lord does not lead us by reason or assure us by approved result. Rather, He leads us by His own glory and He assures us that it is His nature to be true to His Word.
     He wants Soldiers who will leave behind the things that are "successful" and depend on Him for guidance in spending the rest of their lives and making decisions.
      Many things done here seem futile now, but when we stand before Him, we will see that not one act of obedience resulted in anything except eternal, glorious increase.
      Therefore, I must take pleasure in doing the things that must be done, not for the result, but because they are at the request of the Master.
     He will take care of the reward.
View past Devotional.