Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     The things that come from the Lord often come through unwelcome sources.
     That is why the Lord deals with us in such a way as to teach humility.
     I would like to make a disclaimer here, and explain that my speaking about humility
does not indicate my authority on the subject.  It only means it is always a matter of 
prayer, and I see from His Word and His intervention in our lives that He considers
humility essential for our well-being.
     What is humility?  It is our agreeing with God.  It is the taking as absolute truth the 
thing that He has said and assuming if there is not a match of His Word to our feelings 
or behavior, we are in the wrong.
     Humility means we are willing to be changed.
     Humility is the opposite of the statement "I only know what I feel!"  That is a 
statement of absolute denial of all we know to be true, and it is stubborn rebellion.
     This is an area easily exposed and satan takes full advantage.
     The Christian who is not aware of the beauty of our calling will be constantly 
avoiding the Cross and will avoid other believers who rub them the wrong way.
     They will manipulate, they are usually full of Christian knowledge and they are
remarkably unhappy people.
     Humility is the opposite of thinking of one's self and all the things that are wrong.
     Humility has made the decision that God has spoken, and if it seems contrary to
what I see, I do not justify myself to try to make things match.
     Humility is the opposite of explaining myself all the time.
     Humility considers first the Christian's worm's eye view and God's omniscience 
immediately, and his own perceptions count for nothing unless they line up with His.
     Soldier, we must see this as beautiful.
     Do you see being right as beautiful?  Then pride is reigning.  Do you need those
around you to understand and support your position?  Does it eat at you?
     Soldier, He is not a casual God.
     He is preparing us for heaven, and all we have to do is stand ready and make the
conscious decision to let Him do as He pleases with us.  How many do you think 
actually tell the Lord they love the deep work and long for more?  Not many.
     But as for you, tell Him.
     Step across the line!
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