Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Our lives are to be lived moment by moment.
     In power.
     How does that happen?  
     By obedience.  We need to be obedient in every phase of every minute by lining
our attitudes up with the Word of God.
     It is only in so doing that the enemy is resisted.
     This is the area that so many miss, and consequently, we have Christians who
actually consider themselves victims of harsh words or unfair events.
     What does the Bible say? It says He will not withhold any good thing.  It says He
tenderly watches over each thing in our lives/
     Was Abraham a victim when he raised the knife to slay Isaac?  Of course not. We
are told in the New Testament tat he obeyed and knew God was able to raise Isaac
from the dead, even though Abraham had never heard of such a thing.
     When something happens, we see it as great or small.  That is not biblical.  The 
Lord does not require obedience of attitude toward some things, while excusing us in 
     Soldier, listen: in everything, you must ask, "What does the Bible say?"  That is how
we live each moment.  Then, we are free to enjoy the Life He has for us.
     Then we can be free from depression, anger, resentment, fear and numbness.
     As the song says, "Dying with Jesus by death reckoned mine. . ."
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