Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There is a significant difference between restoring a hurting Brother and giving
in to a whiner who would never be available to the healing of the Lord.
     There are those who are not interested in being like Him.  They have been 
stimulated by some things on some occasions, but they are addicted to having to
feel successful and loved.   Often, this kind of person has a compulsion that sucks
up the time and attention of God's Servants until someone had discernment enough
recognize what is going on.
     While there is always hope for everyone, it is important to be before the Lord for 
discernment so that the Body of Christ is protected from demons that love to work
through disobedient and destructive Christians.
     There are, however, many, many believers who have been hurt and who will 
respond to healing Love.  They can be restored, albeit sometimes they seem like 
spiritual hospital cases for a long time.
     The thing is, Soldier, you can not tell them apart until the Lord exposes the matter.
Prayer will most definitely expose things and in the meantime, you must not walk 
lightly because of past unpleasantness.
     You told the Lord He could have your life, and He promised you He would never
leave you on your own.  
     Your job is to serve.  His job is to separate out.   
View past Devotional.