Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Wisdom is immediately available to those who are interested in her.
     Proverbs tells us that wisdom cries aloud at the crossroads.  That means
when we who follow the Lord come to life's intersections, Wisdom is there to lead the
     Wisdom is not usually exercised in extensive pre-planning.  But she is there when
a choice is to be made, a direction taken, or an answer given.
     Yes, there is a flow of wisdom in the use of time and the manner of living.  But 
there is so much more for the Soldier of the Cross.
     Writing and singing and speaking about wisdom does not flow from being wise. It
means the one who is thinking this way wants wisdom and is attracted to her.
     "...And this is the beginning of Wisdom; get Wisdom!"
View past Devotional.