Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     We don't need to have all the answers.
     The one answer we are to have always, is the one for the Hope which is in us. 
     Soldier, today's bookshelves are crammed with books proving scripture from
every angle.  It is possible to approach the Bible from prophesy, from archeology, and
in many cases, scientifically. It is also possible to come up with some remarkable 
answers which can not honestly be refuted.
     But those answers never won anyone's heart to Jesus.
     The questioning flames of the mind are subdued when Jesus comes.
     When we answer all the questions and get better and better answers to persuade 
the lost that the gospel is true, we are no longer presenting the Gospel. We are
making an idol out of reason and there is no room for the Holy Spirit.
     I am deeply satisfied that prophecy is true and that archeology has proven certain
disputed passages.
     But I came to Jesus because He touched me when I cried out to Him.  I already 
knew those other answers because I grew up with them and I could spit them out
like my own name. 
     Now that I have come to Him, the answers fit into faith.  But before I came to him,
the mind was still hunting for almost anything else.
     Jesus didn't bring all the answers.
     The Answer came and died and rose again.
View past Devotional.