Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     When you stand before the Lord, there will be no excuses, no explanations, and
no one will stand with you.
     You will be alone before Him.
     And your life will have the divine blow torch applied to it, and what is left will be the 
things said, thought, and done in and by faith.
     Why are we told that?  Because we have the opportunity to change now.
     Most do not want to change.  The deep work of the Lord is costly to the flesh and
it is far easier to indulge in flesh-flashes and grasp at the sighted.
     Eternity is not merely a long time.
     It is unending, and the human mind has no concept of that.  We tend to think of
eternity as time with no end, but it is far removed from that concept.
     Soldier of the Cross, make no room for the flesh.  Take the Flag of Faith and Press
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