Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     The Lord is thorough.
     Sometimes we pray as though He were haphazard in His dealings with us.  
Especially when things happen that are unfair, or when we cross the mine fields of life 
and take a serious hit.
     Soldier of the Cross, you did not enlist in this Army to have a Bed of Ease.  You
crossed The Line because you knew He loved you.
     You knew He called you.
     You knew He thrilled you.
     So, you stepped over.
     He has been watching.  He has taken note of all the details.  He sees how the
situation makes you look weak or flawed.  He knows you would have done anything to
avoid this.
     He knows all the tiniest details, and He is still in control.
     He will not let you down.
     Give up your schedule, and look for and wait for the God of Our Fathers.
View past Devotional.