Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Without a Determined  Purpose, the purpose will become survival.
     We who are in Christ have the privilege of getting to know him more and more all
the time.  That is what Paul was talking about in Philippians 3.
     We must make a conscious decision to know Him and to pursue Him.  We must
bend ourselves into His Word.  We must take each day, the road that allows us to
follow closely.
     If we simply let the Christian tide carry us, we will concentrate on solving immediate
problems, planning out all our tomorrows, and lining the nest.
     We are a Royal Race and we have a Royal calling.  It is not to be something or to
avoid being something, but it is to press into knowing Jesus.
     Saints, when you open the Word, expect Him to speak to you.  Expect to see
where to place the other foot.
     Expect to have your soul cleansed.
     You have been called, raised up, and the relationship that will be pure and glorious
for eternity is to develop and during this lifetime.
     We are called to more than survival.  We are called to intimacy with the One Who
hung the stars in place.
View past Devotional.