Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     A wise Christian once told me that the very people you help the most will often cause
 you the most pain and it will often be through betrayal.
     Soldier, we are not following Christ to see results, we are following Him because it
is fruitless to follow anyone else, because He is unspeakable lovely, and because we
need Him desperately.
     Our deepest security is in the irrefutable fact that He will never pull the rug out from 
under us, even if all others do.  
     And for the most part, they will, even if in some small way.
     At the same time, He gives us at least one or two on whom we can rely in special 
ways, because they are so full of Him.  Those Soldiers operate by Holy Spirit honor and 
they stick with it by Holy Spirit power.
     There is no way to avoid pain, once you have stepped on the thorn.  But we take 
comfort in knowing He knew it was coming and it will work together for good if we allow.
We also know that He isn't careless.
     Often we go into self-fladulation to investigate how we could have changed the 
outcome. That is not biblical.  It is an illusory effort to gain a control that doesn't exist.  
It didn't then and it doesn't now.
    He can take it and make the outcome better than if it hadn't happened, but only when
the hurting heart submits to His sovereignty.
     He can make a Paul out of a Saul. Or a street bum.  Or a mafia hit man.  Or a 
     It isn't ruined - it has just begun.
View past Devotional.