Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Don't speculate. 
     If allowed, the imagination can fill all the gaps, and it might all be fiction.  Not only 
that, but you will position yourself toward the person as though your speculations
were correct.
     We don't speculate about God's Word, we don't run ahead of Him and imagine all 
the things He might do, and we absolutely must not speculate about the motives or
thoughts of others.
     Many things are available to us on a need-to-know basis only.  Those who are
always trying to figure out what has been withheld always have control problems.
     Soldier, we are learning to love.
     We are learning to trust.
     We are learning to wait.
     We are learning humility.
     Our eyes are not to be fixed on the puzzle - we are to be fixed on the Answer!
View past Devotional.