Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Reason is like a virus.
     It creeps in and seems so harmless at first- not distinguishable from other organisms
 because of an absence of immediate consequences.  But, when the symptoms surface,
they render the victim immobile.
    And that is what you will be if you give in to reason.  A victim.
    Soldier,  the world, the flesh and the enemy all operate by reason. Reason is the most
blind of all navigations.  Reason is limited to the power of the mind to imagine what it
 has accumulated from its own experience and the limited experience of others.
     And of course, there is the beautiful truth that the Lord never repeats Himself - that is,
He is so creative that all the experience of mankind can not predict or imagine the next
creative act of God.
     When a believer is Spirit-filled, the intellect is satisfied.  But when a believer operates
according to the intellect, the Spirit is quenched and blindness sets in.
     Lord Jesus, I plead that you would do whatever is needed to bring about your own
likeness in Me.  I pray as you did - I long for the will of the Father and not my own.
     I know that my reason is the forerunner of spiritual death, and I plead to be made a
woman of faith.  Lord, your way thrills me and I know there is nothing else.
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