Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

    In all of the teaching of the Word of God, there is not the tiniest allowance for self.
   Today’s world, including the Christian world, has deliberately exalted the old nature
to the position of number one idol by teaching the pursuit of a "good self-image."   
There are other lethal appendages to this heresy, such as financial planning that 
excludes faith, worship of the family, and the promotion of entertainment and 
stimulation in lieu of anointed preaching and worship.
   The Bible teaches there is such a thing as a bad self-image, and it is a sign that 
something is wrong.  
    When we are in fellowship with the Lord and we are ordering our thoughts 
according to His thoughts, we have no self-image at all, but are free to live and breath 
and have our being in Him.  Therefore, the Christian who submits to the Word of God, 
lays down his life for the Body of Christ, and presses into the pursuit of God will be 
free from the urgent need to think well of himself and gain a sense of satisfaction
according to human standards.
    Brothers and Sisters, we are reminded again - look up and move on!
View past Devotional.