Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Those who are available to follow the leading of the Lord are secure enough to 
resist self-defense when questioned.
     Yes, we are to have an answer to explain the Hope in which we walk and the Life 
in which we dwell, but that is a far cry from having to be understood.
     Even in the little nettles of every day life, we must learn that being understood is 
not the primary thing.  
      He went to the Cross, accused of what?  
      I Peter  chapter 2 tells us he counted not the shame and "no guile was found in 
Him. . ."
      To be made like Him means to be willing to be misunderstood and to allow Him
room, by prayer, to do what needs to be done.  This is particularly difficult in the home 
where habits are formed quickly and are defended with the whole soul - and 
sometimes body.
      Brothers and Sisters,  this ought not to be.
     Grace went to the Cross to die for us, and Grace rose again.
     Grace is building a home for us.
     Grace did nothing from the Cross but minister and yield.
     The Lord loves peace-making and sweet understanding.  He loves heavenly
intimacy and cleanness.  
     He loves honesty and transparency.
     But there are times when the eyes are blind and the ears are deaf and there is 
nothing we can do to address the issue further.
     Soldier, look up and move on!
View past Devotional.