Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     You do not need to see the result or know the result.
     The important thing is to obey the Lord as best you can.
     That means knowing the Word of God.  You can't obey the Lord by just knowing 
what someone else tells you, or by having been indoctrinated by others.
      There must be an original Pursuit of God, and that means reading the Word from 
cover to cover prayerfully, and there must be a determination to let him do anything
He wants with anything, at any time, and in any way.
     When that is the case, move a step at a time as honestly as you can before the
    The prayer it takes to press us into obedience actually severs us from the addiction 
that is only satisfied by a defined result.  We are free to release the whole matter and
move on.    
     Today's modern Church is tremendously result oriented.
     Soldier of the Cross, take a few minutes each morning to present yourself to the
Lord as one who is obedience oriented!
View past Devotional.