Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Do not overlook the little indiscretions of your children.
     You must understand you have children to train them - the first two years - so that 
they obey you without question, and from that point, you teach them until they leave 
your care.
     Oh Soldier! Be careful.  Do not adore your child.  You will minimize sin, and you
will think it is either cute or harmless.
     You have been trusted as was Hannah.  
     Give your child up to the Lord in prayer and raise him on your knees.  Then, when 
he says "no" or bites or hits, you will know immediately what to do.  Only the Holy Spirit 
can teach real parenting and only He can release you from wanting to be your child's
best friend.
     Put your son or daughter on the alter and expect the Lord.
     It is not easy, but it is essential.
View past Devotional.