Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Your words reveal your thoughts.
     People talk about the things they think about.
     We are told in God's Word to have His Law in our mouths all the time.  
     Have you been around those who are genuinely in love with Him?  They Love His
Word, and they talk about it all the time.  All other things they have to say are weighed 
against the Truth of the Bible, and those folks will not be heard belittling others or
expressing ungodly doubts.
     Soldier of the Cross, when you decided to follow Jesus, you took a fork in the road
that led to uncommon thinking and speaking.
     Love God's Word.
     Memorize God's Word.  The basic verses should remain with you, but each day
should have its own fresh verse or phrase that you have pulled out of  Bible reading
in the quiet time.
     Meditating on His Word comes easily when the verse is committed to memory.  The
mind will gravitate to the verse all day long, and the mouth will reflect where the
thoughts are and where they aren't.
     Soldier,  you may not live as other do.
     Face it.  You stepped over the Line, and He is a jealous and wonderful Lord.  You
are His, and you must learn to so live.
View past Devotional.