Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     What can be said about worry?  
     The children sing "Why worry when you can pray?"
     Is it real?  Does the Lord attend to the one who feels weak in this area?  
     Of course He does.
     Soldier of the Cross, as long as the Lord tarries there will be a stretching.  That
means there are seasons of circumstances that seem to be more than we can bear.
Of course, that is not the real Truth, but the flesh feels it strongly.  The flesh feels it must
do,do, do.  Otherwise, there is no control.
     But the control is human control.  Fleshly control.  And it is the carnal Christian who
must be helping God all the time.
     There are times for action - usually when all seems hopeless.  But we must learn 
that the One who died for us is also preparing the Way.
     It is Finished.  We need to be Finished Work Christians.  Active when the Spirit
allows, and sensitive when the Spirit restrains.
     One thing is for sure:
     Worry is sin.      
View past Devotional.