Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There is nothing like the leading of the Lord.
     He can be experienced, He can be seen, and He can be followed.
     Soldier, it is critical to remember that when you stood before Him and told Him He 
could have you wholly, you would never have said "As long as I can feel you. . ." or "As
long as I am secure. . ." or "As long as others know I am doing the right thing. . ."
     As a matter of fact, He called you to serve, and you stepped across the line 
because you wanted to be a bond-servant.  
     The truly submitted Christian has a supernatural sail that is unfurled in prayer.  
When he gets up off his knees, the Holy Spirit is able to breath the subtlest wind of 
direction, and that man will move.  He does not need a particular sign or assurance, 
because He trusts the One who called him.
    In some things we have choice, and in other things, it seems as though the day 
presents sink-holes and earthquakes that force movement and decision.
     Soldier of the Cross, there is no freedom like submission.
     The unshackled man is able to follow, no matter what.
View past Devotional.