Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


Do not slight meetings.
All of us get tired and we are all busy.
Remember that the body is an area available to the
enemy when he seeks to attack. And when the body
resists, it is almost impossible to move if the
goal is spiritual - there is an added resistance
to every move, and often there is a dullness of
mind that accompanies.
Women give the excuse of being too tired, and
men are to busy. There are times when we stay home
because of illness but they are far less frequent
than the body seems to demand.
Children seem to be fussier and more feverish
on Sunday mornings.
The Holy Spirit is able to give discernment
if there is a genuine need to stay away. Otherwise,
get up and go. More often than not, you will
discover the ache, illness, or dullness will flee.
What is your body for? To glorify the Lord.

View past Devotional.