Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     The flesh will always try to preserve itself.
     As Christian parents, you will do a godly service to and for your children if you do
not allow talking back and excuse giving.
     It is not natural to admit wrongdoing and agree with the one who corrects. It must
be learned.
     As a parent, you have seen that your children are not your own, but belong to the 
Lord.  That makes everything different, but it doesn't make it easy.
     Little ones need to be trained so they can be taught.  No  training first, no teaching 
      Soldier of the Cross, passivity goes with the flow and overlooks what seems
harmless.  But nothing that issues from the mouth is harmless if it is defiant, 
argumentative, or inappropriate self-defense.
     Teach your children to love correction.  They will not love it at the time, and if you
do it sporadically, they will hate it.  But if you are consistent and calm, with nothing 
getting by, they will not be offended when corrected.
      That is a great, eternal treasure!  
View past Devotional.