Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There is no power in the life of a Christian who does not yield to spiritual authority.
     That believer will be angry, depressed, and resentful when corrected, and even 
when not corrected.
     The Lord does not always speak to us by means of those we look up to.  He 
speaks however He wants, and if we are not listening, we will miss it.
     As a pastor's wife, I cannot tell you how many times other women in the church
have come to me and asked me to make changes - in my husband's mannerisms, 
in the format of the meeting, and I have even been asked to consider telling my
husband what he should preach and how he should do it.
     But, the Lord has appointed him.
     If he asks me something specific, I might answer him, and I might not.  I have not
been given the office of Pastor, and I am not his corrector or his jury.  On the other
hand, if I were to move in and attempt to influence, I would be interfering with the work
of the Holy Spirit in the training of God's man.  Instead of letting the Lord do the 
training, I would be letting a couple of the women of the church do the training, and 
that is not only unscriptural, but ridiculous.
     Soldier of the Cross, we are in a battle.  The Lord will give you plenty of 
instruction - just note that no one is perfect, save the Potter.
     If you will watch and wait for the thing the Lord is speaking, he will use the most
unlikely vessel, and you will hear Him, and him alone.
View past Devotional.