Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     One of the most precious things about being an older Believer is the opportunity
to look back and recount the story behind each Ebenezer stone.
     At fifty-six, I have been a Christian for twenty-eight years, and I can look back and 
see how futile all the worry was.
     I see now what was not humanly evident in the situation - my desperate struggle
ws not against the unfairness around me, but against submitting to The One who
called me in the first place.
     I can see the value of freezing into almost breathless anticipation of His 
deliverance.  At the same time, I see the value of plodding on.
     Through it all, I see He knew what He was doing, and after all, at the beginning,  
He said He could be trusted.
     One thing I know, even with lessons learned, as long as I am allowed to live here,
He wants me to move by faith, and faith alone.
View past Devotional.