Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Discipline is simply a matter of choice.
     We have been placed into the parenthesis of time so that we could  choose to
use it well, and  so that we could choose to live in eternity.
     It sounds like a contradiction, but that is what the Word of God teaches.  The
missing piece?  We have the indwelling Holy Spirit.
     We are not alone to make these choices, although much of modern day 
Christianity would  led you to believe you can make choices from reading books and 
listening to television preachers.
     It is not true.
     From the beginning of time, it has been the Heart of God to lead men with His eyes. 
He has made it clear we are not to be independent, nor are we to just get better and 
better in reading situations.
     We were created to be led.   We are not brainless little fluff heads nor are we
puppets.  But we are absolutely missing a piece, and that piece will not be there until
we are in heaven.
     In the meantime, we Disciples must be disciplined.  We obey.  We yield our 
faculties to whatever He has said.  It is really quite simple.
     It would be so much easier if we had no enemy.
     It would be so much easier if we did not have to exercise faith, and could simply
read the signs and act.
     The One whose Blood is on the doorpost of your heart has asked for submission.
     There is no feeling or fear or past experience that justifies noncompliance.
     Be a disciplined Soldier of the Cross.
     This life is fleeting, and soon the opportunity for work as we know it will be over.
     Move, and move now!
View past Devotional.