Discouragement creeps in like fog.

It is not possible to know when it first starts. It is invisible. But, it rolls in from somewhere else and feels like it penetrates the very bones.

Soldier, we are told not to let discouragement rule our actions or attitudes.

That means there must be obedience in response to the thing that seems so daunting. Or the feeling that penetrates thoughts and quashes motivation.

Or the deep and heavy thoughts that seem true when they hit.

But Soldier it is not from your weakness, nor does it point out accuracy. It is from the enemy.

These things come in seasons, and often it seems they will never retreat.

But they will.

And his face will be seen. His Reign is clear and His blessing witnessed by all. He really does set a table before us in the presence of our enemies.

That means we have enemies.

Soldier, pick up your weight and walk as one who has been born into the Kingdom of His Dear Son. Walk as one who has been adopted.

Walk as one who is a member of the Royal Race.

View past Devotional.